The Fisherman on the Aisle Was Listening

Last July I wrote about a most remarkable experience in the Seoul, Korea airport. This post relates a different encounter in another airport, Sea-Tac, in Washington state.

In the 90s I traveled between Oregon and Alaska two or three times a year. Almost always I took the (cheaper) late flight from PDX to Anchorage, arriving about 1 a.m. And, on the way home, the red-eye.

One of those 2 a.m. departures from Anchorage found me by the window, and, in the middle seat next to me, a young man, a little rough around the edges. Unwashed, I think. I figured he was a commuting fishermen. Lots of commercial fishers traveled between Alaska and the Pacific NW.

He seemed grumpy (turned out he wasn’t feeling well) and I was tired. I didn’t want to talk. But I felt compelled (later I knew it wasn’t just an intrinsic compulsion; Someone was compelling me) to start a conversation in an effort to share the gospel. I could never have imagined what the Holy Spirit was up to, but I was about to find out.

He freely shared about his life. Yes, he was a fisherman. The only other thing I remember: his uncle was a preacher. That provided a natural segue to my testimony, and the gospel. He listened politely, interacted a little, but wasn’t interested. I tried to be clear that his eternal destiny was at stake, and what it meant to trust Christ. I asked him if he wouldn’t like to do that right there. But he wasn’t ready.

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16 thoughts on “The Fisherman on the Aisle Was Listening”

  1. Beautiful reminder of the opportunities we have, and encouragment to always be willing and ready to share even when it seems like a pointless effort..
    Love how the words “almost” and “just in case” are terms in our world but not His 🙂
    Glad you explained to the man exactly what was happening in the spiritual

    1. Thank you, Karen. Blessings to you and your family.

  2. Good job Gary!
    You do have talent!

    1. Thanks, Janis. And thanks for reading! 🙂

  3. I love when the Lord keeps nudging us. God is good! Sometimes we just do not feel like do anything, the Holy Spirit pushes us, in a good way, to talk with someone, share a meal, etc…. Sometimes just greeting someone, no matter how they look, can open a door for Jesus to bring that person to the throne of our Heavenly Father. I am thankful every day for what God is teaching me.

  4. Great reminder that God places his messengers in strategic places. It takes the self-pressure off. I can confidently walk through an open door and leave the outcome to the Lord. It was also kind of God to let you in on what he was doing. Sometimes we don’t actually find out.

  5. Amazing story Gary. The older I get and the longer I serve in ministry, the more stories like this I both hear and have had the privilege to experience first hand.

  6. Thanks for just being available, Gary. And thanks for the encouraging post.

    1. And thanks for reading and responding, Don!

  7. Thanks, Gary, for responding to the Holy Spirit’s nudging. Your story reminds me to be more aware of the fishermen in my life.

    1. Ah, yes, as one fisherman to another, eh? Thanks for reading and writing back, Loren. Shalom to you.

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