Someplace North, Someplace Wild

Deception, blackmail, and an innocent man framed for a murder. Can the real killer be found in time? The trap is closing fast!

Twenty-two-year-old Cody Brandon’s journey from Texas to British Columbia has turned into a nightmare.

After he snags a mountain ranch job … and gets smitten with a beautiful schoolteacher … and faces down an attacking grizzly with a rock, Cody’s at the top of the world.

But bad news finds him. He’s wanted for murder, and the feds are coming.

Julie Stewart, meanwhile, striving in her first semester as teacher in a one-room schoolhouse in a neighboring mountain village, gets a shock. This cowboy is stealing her heart.

They share a love for adventure, the mountain wilderness, and a common faith, but will they have opportunity to share a future?


The above is back-cover copy for Garys first novel, under contract now with Elk Lake Publishing to be released this summer.

In the meantime, hes writing short stories about Cody. To get a free story subscribe below.