When can I buy the book? UPDATED 5/13

That’s the number one question I hear from people on my mailing list. The answer, in a word: this summer.

It takes Elk Lake about a year from the signed contract to the book’s release. That’s half of what most publishers require. I worked with an author for 11 years, during which we published several books, and they almost always took two years from contract to publishing date.

As you can imagine, the process includes multiple steps. Here’s a graphic that captures most of them.

The next step is for the publisher to read the manuscript one last time and send it back to me for agreement on any further changes.

You’ll notice the arrow is between two steps. That’s because my manuscript is now on the publisher’s desk. But it’s getting close to the top, about June 1.


In the meantime, I’m seeking endorsements from people with their own following. These will be highlighted in the promotional materials and printed in the book. Here’s what I have so far.

Writing like an evangelical Louis L’Amour, Gary Brumbelow has an uncanny ability–by engaging our senses and implanting us into the middle of the story–to lead us to evaluate our own lives.  What might I have done trapped in a similar circumstance! It smacks of my favorite of Jesus’ parables. Stu Weber, Pastor/Author

I’m impressed with Gary’s debut novel and proud of him. His story has all the twists and turns you want in a yarn that just might keep you up all night. Enjoy and be looking for more from him! Jerry Jenkins, Writer of the Left Behind series

Launch Team

There’s lots of work in the meantime. For example, I will assemble a launch team to help make the release a big success. That will require friends to participate. And YOU may be one of that team.

Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks. 🤠